Boiler Installation & Repair

Boiler Repair

We’ve all been there. You go to turn on your heater and realize your worst nightmares have in fact come true overnight – it’s freezing, and your boiler has decided to take a dive in efficiency or stop working altogether. While you may consider sharing strong words with an inanimate object on the fritz, you’ll have better results by giving our boiler technicians a call instead! At New Evolution Heating Cooling & Electrical, we know boilers like the back of our heating elements – pretty dang well! When you call on our team, you can be confident that you’re going to be helped quickly by a genuine boiler service expert, qualified to locate the actual cause of your heating woes and provide the proper repairs and maintenance needed to restore comfort and set your thermostat to bliss.

Boiler Repair Service

Our team of boiler technicians can assist in replacing boiler parts and completing other boiler repairs to restore your home’s heating and hot water system. It’s important to solve issues early on as they pop up to minimize any damage to your property.

Signs Your Boiler Needs Repair

Don’t wait until you have a significant emergency on your hands to get your boiler the repairs needed. While regular maintenance will help things work the way they should, understanding some of the common signs that your boiler needs repair can prove very useful.

Water Leaks

Boiler water leaks are never good. While some homeowners think they can simply patch leaks up and move on, most boiler leaks result from more extensive issues such as corrosion, poor installation, broken seals, or even damaged valves and pumps. Leaks need to be inspected and repaired by a professional technician to restore heat and prevent future water damage.

Unusual Smells

If odd smells are coming from your boiler or boiler room, contact your local boiler technicians right away. While the pungent smell of rotten eggs resulting from bacteria growth in the boiler is not a sign of immediate danger, the smell of natural gas or propane coming from your gas-fueled boiler is. In this case, turn off your gas and water supplies and give our team a call for help.
Strange Sounds
While some popping and rumbling may cause you to jump in the night, odd furnace noises don’t present any immediate danger. However, excessive kettling, gurgling, or whistling should be brought to the attention of a professional boiler technician as soon as possible to address the limescale build-up, trapped air, or blockage causing the issue.
No Heat / No Hot Water
You wake up and wobble to the shower only to notice no hot water and a cold house. While these are obvious signs repair is needed, these are common and should be dealt with quickly. Whether the diaphragm, valve, thermostat, or some other part of the boiler is broken, we’ll quickly complete the proper replacements and repairs.
Water is Not Getting Hot (Enough)
If the water in your boiler is not hot enough to heat your home effectively, or your water is coming out lukewarm, there could be a number of reasons why this is happening. Whether your thermostat or heating element needs to be replaced, help from a professional technician will be useful in locating the cause and finding a solution.
Increase in Energy Bill
A sudden and unexplained spike in your energy bill could be a sign that your boiler needs to be serviced. While an older, less energy-efficient model may be approaching its end of days, and will soon need a replacement, many other reasons for an increase in boiler operating costs can be repaired quickly by a professional team.
Boiler Turns Off for No Reason If your boiler is randomly shutting off in the middle of the night, request an inspection right away. This unreliability of your boiler system can be caused by a number of things including a faulty thermostat, leaks in your system, or even a faulty pump!
Is It Worth Repairing a Boiler?
When you’re debating whether to repair or replace your boiler, you may be wondering if repairing your boiler is even worth it in the first place. This is a valid question that we’re asked quite a bit. Still, the answer depends on several factors, including the cost of repairs, how frequent repairs have become, and the age of your boiler. Your local New Evolution boiler technician can work with you to determine if repairing your boiler is the best move to make.
How Long Do Boilers Last?
Boilers can last anywhere from 10 to 15 years, even longer with regular maintenance from a professional technician. Some of the things that can decrease the lifespan of your home’s boiler are improper installation or being too big or small for your property.
How Much Does a Boiler Repair Cost?
The cost of boiler repairs typically ranges anywhere from $200 to $800, depending on the type of repair that needs to be performed. While sediment cleaning and flushing will be on the lower end, faulty part replacements and repairs will naturally cost more. Either way, turning to New Evolution Heating Cooling & Electrical will ensure you’re dealing with competitive pricing and a team ready to help you make the best choice.
Call New Evolution to Repair Your Boiler Today!
When it’s time to restore comfort and functionality to your home, call New Evolution Heating Cooling & Electrical for professional, reliable, and efficient boiler repair service. We’re true experts in the services we perform, relying on trusted processes and decades of national experience. When you’re ready to experience the New Evolution difference for yourself, reach out to your local New Evolution Heating Cooling & Electrical location to schedule your service appointment!

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